The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic family fraternal service organization with 1.8 million members in over 13,000 councils worldwide. It provides members and their families with volunteer opportunities in service to the Catholic Church and their local parishes, the communities in which they live, to the youth of the area, to individual Knights and their families, and to the Knights of Columbus Council in which they are active members. It also provides a place where members and their families can socialize with other practicing Catholics from their parishes and communities.
The Knights of Columbus Council #16376 was newly formed in December 2015. We are growing and are actively engaged in charitable activities within our parish and the greater community.
If you’re interested serving our parish, helping those in need, growing in your faith or having exclusive access to top-rated insurance protection for your family, then the Knights of Columbus is the organization for you.
General information and guidance on how to join can be obtained by contacting:
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