Saint Bernadette Parish

Our Mission

As parishioners of St. Bernadette, we commit ourselves to refresh our participation of Liturgy through attentive listening to God's Word, in raising our voices in prayer and song, and in reverent reception of the Body and Blood of Christ. We pledge to work for justice for those inside and outside of our boundaries and to be instruments of healing in our families and in our community.

Lenten Fish Fry

Fridays, March 28 and April 4
4:00pm - 7:00pm in Dempsey Hall

Online Pre-Ordering Available Here!

Cash and all major credit cards accepted.

Mass Times

Sunday Mass

Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM

Sunday: 8:00 AM, 9:45 AM, 11:30 AM


Monday/Wednesday/Friday  9:00 AM

Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday 8:00 AM



3:00 - 3:45 PM

Live Streaming Mass

Masses are live streamed on weekdays & Sunday at 9:45 AM.

A Message from Father

As a people gathered together through our weekly Eucharistic celebration, we respond to God’s word and live the Mass in varied ways. I welcome you to reflect on the many opportunities provided in our parish.

As the pastor of St. Bernadette, I can attest to the wonderful generosity, and hospitality of the people of St. Bernadette​.

Please call or stop in the Parish Office to obtain additional information about specific groups or services that are of interest to you, or should you need any information or assistance. We hope and pray that you will find a home here and will become actively involved in parish life.

Sincerely in Christ,

Fr. Philip G. Racco, Pastor
St. Bernadette Parish

Featured Events & News

Bringing Jesus to the West Side since 1950!

"Those who are humble of heart will be glorified."

- Saint Bernadette

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